
June 21 is Go Skateboarding Day

“Go Skateboarding Day” is June 21!
Ditch work, school & responsibility – go skate!


20+ Million Skateboarders All Riding At The Same Time!
No School. No Work. No Responsibility.
Nothing But Skateboarding!
It’s Our Day.

To sign up your event go to and let the skateboarders in your area know where to be on #GSD2018.

The movement is getting bigger each year. June 21st has officially been proclaimed Go Skateboarding Day by the U.S. House of Representatives! Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D- CA, Orange County) recognized June 21 (every year) as the official holiday of skateboarding. The first Go Skateboarding Day was held in 2003!

“IASC is constantly working to increase the rights of skateboarders and help cities across the U.S. create places where skateboarders are welcome and respected,” said John Bernards, IASC Executive Director. “We hope this recognition by Congresswoman Sanchez will give more lawmakers incentive to work with skateboarders in their community and understand that skateboarding is a positive influence on our young people.”

“Go Skateboarding Day” is June 21st – every year! If you want more info… check out the Official site.

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